Colloquium - Dr. Oscar Garcia | Department of Physics

Colloquium - Dr. Oscar Garcia

Event Information
Event Date: 
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 3:15pm
Event Location: 
Physics Building - Room 104

Professor - Electricial Engineering

University of North Texas

Title: "On How We Are Building a Quantum Computer"


"On How We Are Building a Quantum Computer" is a work in progress using photonics to exploit quantum parallelism via superposition. We use photonic coincidence detection to generate photon superposition. We capture the heralded superposed photon with a fast Pockels cell from the entangled signal into a mildly doped ytterbium fiber delay loop. At this point there are options to treat the photons as experimental wave packets for redundant error correcting residue arithmetic.

*Refreshments will be served before the colloquium*