Colloquium - Efrain Ferrer | Department of Physics

Colloquium - Efrain Ferrer

Event Information
Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 - 3:30pm
Event Location: 
PHYS 104

Magnetism in Cold-Dense Quark Matter

Dr. Efrain J. Ferrer

University of Texas at El Paso

Abstract: In this talk, I will review some of the main findings on the topic of color superconductivity in a magnetic field. The main characteristics of the different phases that can be reached by increasing the external magnetic field in a three-flavor color superconductor at asymptotically high densities are discussed. A mechanism to boost a seed magnetic field in high-dense quark matter is presented. In addition, it will be shown how a magnetic field can be generated in a color superconductor at moderate densities. Possible implications of these results for the astrophysics of magnetized compact objects are indicated.

Physics Graduate Student

Special Meet and Greet with Physics Chair Candidate, Dr. Vivian Incera

Room 104, Physics Building

3:00 P.M

Refreshments provided