Dr. Xiao Receives Prestigious NSF LEAPS-MPS Award | Department of Physics
July 25, 2024

Dr. Xiao Receives Prestigious NSF LEAPS-MPS Award

Dr. Yuzhe Xiao, Assistant Professor of Physics, has been honored with the prestigious Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS-MPS) award by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The LEAPS-MPS program is designed to help launch the careers of pre-tenured faculty in the fields of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS). This award supports MPS principal investigators by providing funding that enables them to submit subsequent successful proposals to traditional NSF funding opportunities, such as individual investigator programs and CAREER competitions.

Dr. Xiao will receive $ 250,000 funding support and his winning proposal, titled "LEAPS-MPS: Light-Matter-Heat Interactions with Ultrafast Thermal-Radiation Spectroscopy," aims to enhance our understanding of radiation from non-thermal hot carriers following ultrafast laser excitation.

Congratulations to Dr. Xiao on this remarkable achievement!