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UNT College of Science
Your gift is an integral part of how the Department of Physics is working to simultaneously improve our national standing in research and the success of our students. Examples of our support to students are:
L. L. Miller ScholarshipA scholarship supporting undergraduate students who have demonstrated scholastic achievement with the purpose of attracting and retaining outstanding physics students that surpass the high standards of UNT.
Physics Chairman's Scholarship
A scholarship supporting undergraduate students who have shown promise in the field of Physics. This scholarship has the purpose of supporting and enabling exceptional students continue to achieve the level of excellence that UNT stands for.
Society of Physics Students Scholarship
A scholarship supporting undergraduate and, on occasion, graduate students who have a passion and interest in Physics. The Society of Physics Students Scholarship was designed to aid students who are dedicating their education to Physics and its applications.
Lon Morgan Scholarship
A scholarship to assist promising graduate students who are Majoring in Physics at the University, and to further stimulate the study of physics as applied to atomic physics, nuclear medicine, and nuclear pharmacology.
Teller Bayer Scholarship
A scholarship for exceptional graduate students majoring in Physics and concentrating in the area of laser physics and optics who have performed above and beyond the expectations of the University.