Photonic Funding

National Science Foundation:

SGER: Self-Assembled Guanosine Based Hybrid Single Molecular Electronic Devices:

Our objective in the proposed exploratory research program is to develop

Nanoscale molecular electronic diodes based on self-assembled modified guanosine semiconductor immobilized on a GaN semiconductor substrate. This effort includes optimization of the material characteristics to improve device performance by increasing the length of a single molecular chain of guanosine. It will enable large-scale fabrication of nanoscale molecular electronic device using conventional photolithography techniques. ii. Field-effect transistor or photo-detectors on GaN with enhanced efficiency in the ultraviolet visible region. We will also extend this device functionality to examine electrochemical properties of double-stranded DNA by altering DNA base-pairing and incorporating synthetic nucleotides to DNA.

Intellectual merit and Broader Impact:

Among biomolecules, DNA has a fundamental role in biological processes. The combination of molecular biology (for engineering DNA with the desired functional and/or self-assembling properties) and microelectronic technology (for device fabrication) thus becomes the tool to realize a new class of nanoelectronic element. Since this is a vastly interdisciplinary project, we intend to combine and build upon our strength in prior achievements of development and characterization of GaN based materials/devices and tailoring oligonucleotide molecules along with our collaborator's established capability of conjugating functionalized polymers to biomolecules at Michigan Molecular Institute. This team will include a student, who will be exposed to all phases of this multifaceted project. At UNT there is currently an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program that will be enhanced by this proposed research. The PI will offer a focused course on soft condensed matter physics at UNT based on the success of the proposed work.

MRI: Acquisition of Equipment for Nanoscale Characterization and Integration of Multifunctional Materials and Devices

The objective of this research is to investigate multifunctional nanoscale materials with applications in optoelectronics and biophotonics; the research involves fundamental and applied aspects of nanoscale research while investigating novel photonic materials with semiconductor, molecular, and/or biological elements. The approach is to acquire a Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope to allow UNT researchers to complement existing infrastructure of shared facilities and form a regional resource with a collaborative focal point in multifunctional nanomaterials.

Intellectual Merit

The equipment sought will enable the fabrication and characterization of nanomaterials integrated into multifunctional components that include electrical, photonic, plasmonic, fluidic, chemical, and biological functions. The projects to be enabled include:

(1) Nanofabrication and characterization of photonic crystals.

(2) Hydrogel-based optoelectronic and biophotonic nanoscale systems.

(3) Guanosine-based UV-Vis nanoscale photodetectors.

(4) Molecular and macromolecular optoelectronics.

(5) Single molecule imaging and manipulation of myosin.

(6) Fluorescence spectroscopic diagnosis of oral cancer using 5-aminolevulinic acid.

Broader Impacts

The proposed equipment will reside in shared facilities for use by the seven participating group leaders and their collaborators. The proposed equipment will serve as a focal point for the development of integrated nanosystems at UNT and the North Texas region by a rather broad and multidisciplinary user base involved in nanoscale research. The projects provide opportunities for trainees with diverse educational backgrounds (graduate and undergraduate students, high school students and teachers, postdoctoral trainees and visiting scientists) and traditionally-underrepresented groups to actively participate in multidisciplinary research. All participating group leaders have strong track records in recruiting such personnel into their research.

International: Cooperative Activity in Nanotechnology between American and Japanese Universities


This IRES award is a collaborative research program between University of North Texas in the U.S. and Tsukuba University and Shimane University in Japan, drawing on complementary expertise at each institution to train U.S. graduate and undergraduate students in the interdisciplinary field of nanophotonic materials research. The research plan involves interdisciplinary research teams from the Department of Physics, Material Science, Biology and Electrical Engineering from the U.S. and Japan to develop nanoscale light emitters based on plasmonic/photonic bandgap nanostrucutres and DNA-based transistors. At Shimane University, Dr. Yasuhisa Fujita lead the collaboration in development of novel nanoscale light emitters based on ZnO nanoparticles and UV photonic bandgap semiconductors. At Tsukuba University, nanophotonic-based plasmonic nanostructures and DNA-based hybrid molecular electron device research will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Kiyoshi Asakawa. The award will support six students per year for three years for 7-8 week summer research experiences in Japan. Each year the students will include three graduate and three undergraduate students, at least two of whom will be from underrepresented minorities. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science will support additional aspects of the student and faculty exchange program between UNT and University of Tsukuba.

Hybrid Tunable Photonic Crystals using Smart Gels


This award supports the doctoral dissertation of the PI's advanced graduate student, specifically to augment his research in the development of a hyb This award supports the doctoral dissertation of the PI's advanced graduate student, specifically to augment his research in the development of a hybrid tunable photonic crystal in nanophotonics with three-months time in Japan in the lab of Professor Kiyoshi Asakawa of the Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance Center. The research makes use of recent advances in nano-fabrication and advanced optical characterization techniques at TARA Center, a world-class photonic crystal and nanoscale fabrication facility. Collaboration with Professor Asakawa's group will enable the student to perform experiments required for the fabrication and characterization of the hybrid photonic crystal, and strengthen long-term collaboration between University of North Texas and University of Tsukuba in the area of nanophotonics.

rid tunable photonic crystal in nanophotonics with three-months time in Japan in the lab of Professor Kiyoshi Asakawa of the Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance Center. The research makes use of recent advances in nano-fabrication and advanced optical characterization techniques at TARA Center, a world-class photonic crystal and nanoscale fabrication facility. Collaboration with Professor Asakawa's group will enable the student to perform experiments required for the fabrication and characterization of the hybrid photonic crystal, and strengthen long-term collaboration between University of North Texas and University of Tsukuba in the area of nanophotonics.

Department of Defense

  • Instrumentation for Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy: Funds were obtained to procure Optical Streak camera for Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy including luminescence life-time of semiconductor nanostructures, plasmonic structures and micromachining.

Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences

  • JSPS-UNT Joint Symposium on Nanoscale Optoelectronics and Biological Materials
  • International Nanophotonics Forum for Young Scientists

University of North Texas Internal Grants