Nanophotonic Laboratory Facilities

Laboratory Facilities

Three-major optical and electronic characterization facilities and one device modeling computational facilities was developed with support from DoD, NSF, DOE, UNT Internal grants. Overall instrumentation in my laboratory exceeds $ 1,500,000 which has all been set-up since 2003.

Ultrafast Optics Laboratory

Experiments include temperature and time-resolved photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy, differentialtransmission spectroscopy, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy using tunable femtosecond laser system (200 nm -16 micron) for the characterization of semiconductor quantum dots, light emitting hybrid materials at variable temperatures extending upto 4.2 K

Photonic Device Modeling and Characterization Laboratory

For the design and modeling of photonic devices, we have also set up computational facilities including Windows and LINUX based systems capable of running CAD softwares such as

EM Photonics Laboratory
MIT-MPB package

The students working in this area have been trained in Prof. Asakawa's Laboratory at University of Tsukuba.

We have also set up characterization tools for photonic bandgap measurement in the communication wavelength region (1460-1570 nm).

Device Fabrication and characterization

For synthesis of Biological materials, hydrogel synthesis station related to the newly developed area of microfluidics and biomemetics we have established a small wet-chemistry laboratory for material synthesis and device fabrication.

Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory

We have played an active role in fostering multidisciplinary research activities within UNT and outside the University including industrial laboratories, research institutes, federal research institutes including international organizations. We have been instrumental in procuring funds for setting up a Raman spectroscopy Center in my laboratory in collaboration with Dr. Omary from the Department of Chemistry. A CCD based -UV-Visible Raman Spectrophotometer system has being set up. This work has opened up avenues to collaborate with other faculties in the Department of Physics.

Nanophotonics Laboratory

Near-field optical spectroscopy of GaN based nanostructures, quantum dots, quantum wells, plasmonic nanostructures using JASCO NFS-330T - Near-field Optical Microspectrophotometer. The near-field measurement can be performed at UV and visible wavelengths at liquid helium temperatures. The availability of Ultrafast Spectroscopy for nanoscale materials beyond the diffraction limit using near-field optical spectroscopy at 4.2 K is unique. There are no such optical characterization facilities available in the United State for UV-Visible near-field-ultrafast spectroscopy.