Society of Physics Students

The University of North Texas chapter of the Society of Physics Students aims to bring together those within the student body with an interest in Physics. We are the community building organization for Physics majors at UNT, helping to develop students socially and professionally.

Regular meetings cover current and upcoming events within SPS as well as introducing interesting opportunities for the growth of Physics students such as department funded conferences and faculty facilitated study groups.



  • Familiarize yourself and learn about new physics research here at UNT and beyond by attending Tuesday Colloquia! Guest speakers and UNT Faculty present research everyweek. Fliers in the hallway and website updated weekly on what will be presented that week. Refreshments provided.
  • Tuesdays, 3:30pm, Physics Building, Room 104
  • Upcoming Colloquia/Seminars

Research Experience for Undergraduates

In the interest of getting undergraduate students introduced to doing research, the National Science Foundation offers paid summer research internships to students at various universities across the nation. It is highly advised for undergraduates to participate in REUs especially if you wish to attend graduate school. Generally each program will provide selected applicants with room and board and an overall stipend of $4000 - $5000. To find out more information and apply to a program visit the following link


Will be posted soon!

SPS Officers
  • President: Sophie McAllen
  • Vice Presidents: Clean Devine Ryan
  • Communications: Syed Abdullah Imam
  • Treasurer: Ariel Dumond

Contact Us!


By email:

Mailing Address:

Society of Physics Students

UNT Dept of Physics
1155 Union Circle, # 311427
Denton, TX 76203

Society of Physics Students UNT | Facebook