Financial Support | Department of Physics

Financial Support

Teaching Assistantships and Research Assistantships

Most physics graduate students are supported through teaching assistantships (TAs) or research assistantships (RAs) funded through research grants to faculty. A limited number of teaching assistantships are available each semester, based on undergraduate enrollment within Physics.

Assistantships are limited to 20 hours per week, which is considered as half-time employment. In addition, out-of-state and international students who are supported at least one-half time are eligible for in-state tuition. Students supported for nine months as TAs or RAs are eligible to purchase 12-month health insurance coverage. Funding commitments may be up to a maximum of 3 years for the master's degree and 6 years for the PhD. Along with the stipend, most TA offers include tuition support in the form of the Tuition Benefits Program (or TBP) that in many cases covers all tuition and mandatory fees.

If you are interested in a Research Assistantship, you should check with your major professor concerning availability.

All students who request either an RA or a TA are required to attend an orientation at the beginning of their first semester on campus. International students are required to pass the Test of Spoken English "Speak Test" in order to be eligible for a teaching assistantship. If you do not take the Test of Spoken English, you will not be eligible for consideration for a TA until the next offering of the test during the next semester. It is very important to arrange your arrival so you are in Denton early enough to attend the orientation and take the Test of Spoken English. The test is usually during the first part of the week before classes begin.