Private Reservations

Our Observatory is will only be open for public Star Parties. Private reservations are closed until further notice.

Feel free to call us with any questions at (940) 369-8213 or shoot us an email at


Information in regards to Private Star party reservations can be seen below:

If you would like to make a reservation for a private event, please read the information below carefully. You are encouraged to request a reservation as far in advance as possible. We require AT LEAST 2 weeks notice for all reservations.

What's included?

  • Sky Tonight Tour - Constellation stories, navigating the night sky, and star-hopping
  • Dobsonian Telescope Operation - instruction on how to use the telescopes and find celestial objects
  • Domed Telescope Observation - You will be given access to our 6" and 8" refractors.
  • Open-Roof Telescope Observation: You will be given access to our open-roof telescope buildings which contain C14 and C8 telescopes outfitted with state of the art astrophotography and positioning equipment.

How much does it cost?

Minimum fee - $200, or $10 per guest, whichever is greater

How do I make a reservation?

Reservation requests can be made by sending an email to our Astronomy Coordinator at Please include the following information in your email:

  • Organization or Group name
  • Contact name/email/phone/fax
  • Age level
  • # of attendees
  • Preferred date and time
  • Alternate date and time

For more information please call (940)369-8213.