Dr. Patrick Horn: Exploring Redox Processes in Plant Lipid Metabolism | Department of Physics

Dr. Patrick Horn: Exploring Redox Processes in Plant Lipid Metabolism

Event Information
Event Date: 
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 3:30pm
Event Location: 
Physics Building Room 104

UNT BioDiscovery Institute - Patrick Horn

Thiol-based redox regulation (via cysteine residues) is crucial for coordinating light responses and chloroplast functions in photosynthetic eukaryotes. This complex regulatory network limits the over-reduction and over-oxidation of photosynthetic complexes to ensure energy production is synchronized with energy utilization and storage. Intricately linked to redox networks, photosystem-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important signals for a variety of molecular processes that contribute to acclimation and adaptation as well as regulating the supply and demand in energy metabolism. However, variations in environmental conditions, e.g., temperature and/or light intensity, can alter electron flow and utilization. This imbalance often leads to an overproduction of ROS resulting in oxidative damage and ultimately negatively impacts photosynthetic productivity and plant health. In my research group, we are focused on characterizing mechanisms that integrate the redox state of photosynthesis, redox-based post-translational modification of proteins, and redox-driven catalytic reactions. Ultimately, a deeper understanding of these processes will contribute to both fundamental knowledge of plant systems and also contribute to engineering applications for enhanced plant sustainability and resilience.