News Archive | Department of Physics

News Archive

ACS-PRF selected Dr. Jens Neu’s research for funding

The American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Found, selected Jens Neu's work for funding. Every oil deposit is associated with petroleum gasses (APG). These APG are often too sparse for commercial exploitation making them an unwanted by-product of oil extraction. The simplest way to handle APG is to flare it, which accounts for about 1 % of the world CO2 production.

Dr. Xiao Received Prestigious DARPA Young Faculty Award

Yuzhe Xiao, Assistant Professor of Physics, has been awarded the prestigious 2023 Young Faculty Award (YFA) by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). This prestigious accolade, granted to only about 30 promising young researchers each year, aims to recognize and support rising stars in junior research positions in academia and non-profit research institutions.

Congratulations to Liam Daly

Congratulations to Liam Daly (UnderGrad Student) for receiving the Outstanding Poster Award from T-APS. Liam Daly's research on THz conductivity in semimetals was recognized with the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation Award on this years Texas APS meeting. Liam studies in the Ultrafast THz Spectroscopy group, where he designed and built a reflection THz Time domain spectroscopy system to study semimetals.

Congratulations to Fatimah Habis

Congratulations to Fatimah Habis (Grad Student) for receiving the Outstanding Poster Award from T-APS. Fatimah Habis, a physics graduate student in computational materials theory, has been awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Presentation Award at the 2023 American Physics Society Texas Section Fall Meeting.

Drs. Zhang (ME), Choi (ME), Kelber (Chem), Krokhin, and Neu Receive $4.4M AFOSR grant

The team let by Richard Zhang (ME) received funding from the air force to investigate the propagation of intense light in waveguides. The research will improve our understanding of waveguides, lasing, and stimulated scattering mechanism. This fundamental insight will be used to design metamaterials for improved lasing materials for compact high-power light sources.

Drs. Yuan Li & Ohad Shemmer Receive $185k NSF PAARE Grant

Dr. Yuan Li and Dr. Ohad Shemmer have been awarded an NSF PAARE grant of $185k in collaboration with astrophysicists at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). The team is building a new partnership between UNT and UTD and establishing a post-baccalaureate Bridge Program (application is open). They will also organize monthly colloquia and annual symposia to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in astronomy.

Dr. Bibhudutta Rout Receives $160k Research Grant from NSF

Dr. Rout has been awarded an NSF grant in collaboration with Dr. Swapnajit Chakravarty at University of Dayton to develop a low-cost hand-held device to test for and identify diseases and biohazards. The project will utilize a smart cut technique available at the UNT Ion Beam Laboratory to exfoliate thin films to develop fabrication tolerant silicon nanophotonic sensors. Project activities will include outreach to broaden the participation of minority students in STEM education and training.

CAARI-SNAEP Conference 2022

The UNT Ion Beam Laboratory (IBL) will be sponsoring and hosting the 26th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI) at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Convention Center, Denton on 30 October-3 November. This year CAARI will be held jointly with the 53rd Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP). CAARI was started by UNT IBL physicists more than 50 years ago and the IBL has been the major sponsor of this event held bi-annually since then with the exception of 2020 due to the COVID pandemic.

Dr. Yuan Li Receives NASA Research Grant

Dr. Sandra Ward Quintanilla awarded NSF grant

Physics faculty Dr. Sandra J. Ward Quintanilla was recently awarded an NSF grant with the project title "Low-Energy Atomic Processes Including Ones Involving A Positron." More information about this project can be found on the NSF Website. Congratulations, Dr. Quintanilla!

Dr. Sandra Ward Quintanilla elected to Executive Committee of the APS Topical Group on Few-Body Systems & Multiparticle Dynamics

Welcome Dr. Yuanxi Wang to Physics Phamily

Dr. Yuanxi Wang joined the Physics Department as an assistant professor this month. Dr. Wang's research interest is in the area of computational materials physics, especially 2D materials. Welcome Yuanxi to Physics Phamily!

Dr. Li received an NSF grant

Physics faculty Dr. Yuan Li along with Dr. Yuanyuan Su from University of Kentucky was awarded an NSF grant titled "Collaborative Research: A Systematic and Comprehensive Study of Black Hole-Driven Turbulence in Massive Galactic Systems". This project will deliver a more complete view of the "feedback" provided by accreting super-massive blackholes, leading to a better understanding of the blackhole-host galaxy relation. It will directly probe the energetics of the intra-cluster, circum-galactic, & interstellar media of massive early-type galaxies. Congratulations Dr. Li!

Dr. Cui and Dr. Lin received an NSF grant

Physics faculty Dr. Cui and Dr. Lin were recently awarded an NSF grant titled "Encapsulated perovskite in NiO nanotube for topological meta-photonic devices". This three year project will study meta-photonic devices with high absorption and topological photonic devices using encapsulated perovskites in NiO nanotubes. The success of this project will lead to high-efficiency integrated lasers and solar cell devices. It also enhances the abilities in the education arena by enriching program offerings. Congratulations Drs. Cui and Lin.

Dr. Rout received an NSF grant

Physics faculty Dr. Bibhudutta Rout along with his collaborators Dr. Saraju Mohanty and Dr. Dr. Elias Kougianos from UNT and Dr. Babu Baniya from Grambling State University was recently awarded an NSF grant titled "iMed-Sec: Exploring Hardware-Assisted Solutions for Energy-Efficient Low-Overhead Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Medical-Things". The aim of this project is to advance medical security and broaden participation of historically underrepresented students in STEM education and research.